dishwash liquid and soft toothbrush
Interesting choice to take your wifes toothbrush.
Did she get angry ?
Thanks for posting your pictures of this process. Always nive to see how others proceed. And interesting to see a simple thread about a madura bring-back keris loosing itself in deep extensive discussions. (not disrespect intended)
Small blades i often just put in the kitchen in a large beerglass.
Other larger items I place outside of the house.
Good luck with the project.
As for the relation of the keris blade and handle.
I once read a "story" that the hilt should not be removed to far from the blade and/or that the blade should not be without a handle too long.
Those stories belong in the unsubstantiated category as far as I am concerned.
It is out of respect that I will not leave a blade without "dress"too long. but not out of fear or believe.
Best regards,