Thread: wood ?
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Old 30th September 2010, 12:16 AM   #21
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Alan, sorry, please can you explain penewu, mentri, lurah, jajar, pangeran and canthangbalung? Or try to give a translation? I only know the word bupati. Thank's in advance,

Penewu:- supposedly an official in command of a thousand people, in reality a middle ranked kraton official

Lurah:- a chief or village head

Jajar:- lowest rank in court

Mentri:- (mantri) middle ranked kraton official

Pangeran:- prince, son of the ruler

Bupati:- senior administrative officer in a regency.

Canthangbalung:- this is very difficult; the simple explanation is that the canthangbalung are semi-humorous clown guards who take part in the Garebeg Mulud procession at the Surakarta Karaton. To really understand who and what they are is far beyond the scope of this post, or indeed of this forum.

Under the old organization of a Karaton, some of the above could be designated as either "inner" officials. Or "outside" officials. Thus, for example, a bupati might be an "inside bupati", where he would have the rank and prerogatives of a bupati, but he would not have the duties of administering a regency.

The same holds true today:- there are bupatis and lurahs and mantris who are Indonesian government officials, but there are also bupatis and lurahs and mantris who are ranked in the Karaton hierarchy and hold no position outside the Karaton.
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