Parang Nabur
Here is my new Parang nabur / Beladah Belabang
The quality of the chisling on the horn hilt is on par with some firearm grips that I have seen and the knucklebow is the best that I have, amazing when you think of the conditions that these craftsmen worked in. I guess it just goes to show that it is the person and not the workshop that makes the difference.
The fittings appear to be a nickel alloy rather than silver.
Blade with a magick square and a quite heavily chisled pattern down the centre.
O/A length is 78 cm
Blade length is 61cm and is 6 mm thick on the spine near the hilt.
The protrusions on the bow would make a very effective knuckleduster although whether this is the intension I do not know.
As usual, all comments appreciated.