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Old 20th September 2010, 05:58 PM   #16
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This is basically my understanding as well of the best tests for the relative quality. This particular blade certainly belongs in the high quality category. Interesting to know that you've run across similar pieces before. I still wonder as to the source as the profile is unlike any verified European trade blade I've encountered.

Andy & Karina,

Glad to see you jumped in here as well. I will send you a PM, I know of one other piece similar to yours but as it is up for sale somewhere I can't link it here. If I would classify these as takouba... I'm not sure. Certainly seems related but the construction methods are quite different.

If I'm not mistaken the hilt on the piece you show is horn? The Hausa are noted to have reused French military blades in the 19th century rather heavily, this of course is also true of various Berber pieces such as the nimcha. Nimcha also exhibit horn hilts which seems a closer link as I have never encountered horn hilts on Tuareg/Fulani/Hausa full sized takouba before.

Definitely something to ponder. Thanks for sharing!


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