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Old 19th September 2010, 10:47 AM   #2
kronckew's Avatar
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the octagonal wire wound grip appears bhutanese in influence, tho designs travelled in that area & blur near the borders. could have been made in tibet, but in the 'bhutanese' style. the scabbard fitting is more similar to the one on my tibetan dagger than the dossum, the tibetan one has a ring thru the hole and a leather belt loop on the ring.

bhutanese dossum:

my short one:

rear view

someone else's sword-length one.

tibetan one for comparison, also not mine

tibetan dagger, mine this time

note the two toned horn grip & hairpin laminations in the blade. suspension fitting is a bit hard to see, so here's a blowup in the following post
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Last edited by Lew; 20th September 2010 at 03:42 PM.
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