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Old 17th September 2010, 10:06 PM   #15
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 746
Default good luck

[QUOTE=migueldiaz]Hello Carlos!

Thanks for the tip. Will surely head to that museum then, when I get to Madrid a few days from now. This morning, I was at the Victor Balaguer museum (at Vilanova I La Gertru) and they allowed me to take pics of the ones in storage. I found a few interesting (if not intriguing) pieces there, which pics I'll post very soon, for commentary.

I still have a half day here in Barcelona, tomorrow. I was planning to go to the Tarragona museum you visited. What's the address of the museum, if I may ask? (because I cannot find it in the Internet). Thanks in advance!


Hello !!
I just send you a private mail with mor instructions, but in advanve and to all the forum the museum is in La Nao street 12, near church of Tarragona. A link with more information.
In The other museum, in Vilanova, you are a lucky man!! I wait too this pictures of the store.
best regards
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