Originally Posted by Jeff D
Hi Jim,
I definitely want that iPhone app, But, I think I see two heads on that chicken  . That looks Like a Hapsburg eagle. Look on Pg 422 Plate 52. I think this is a Austrian Officers model 1850, Made by the Viennese firm Mitten 1840-1860.
All the Best
Auughghh! Jeff, ya got me!!!!!!! Andy Warhol syndrome.......but I got a little more than 15 minutes

I need better glasses, and couldnt see the second head on the chicken! but the illustration is spot on as you note.
I'll hand ya the trophy, but still think my story would make a better movie !!

Larry, its still a beauty of a sword, and the Austrian ones are not common as the British ones.
Im still wondering about that H that seems adjacent to the eagle, and the double head eagle marking. I believe Hesse did side with Austria in the conflicts earlier in the 19th century against Prussia. Still a glimmer of hope for Hesse
Good job Jeff, you got good radar, as I always said!!
All the best,