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Old 16th September 2010, 01:53 AM   #8
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 5

Guys I am impressed. I have thought for years, based on my humble research as a young kid (literally) that it was British. I remember my dad telling me he found it in a German farm building. Don't recall if he said house or barn, but it certainly wasn't being used on the "field of battle" when he was there. Talked to my uncle, and I am looking for more information on where exactly my father might have traveled. I do know that he was injured in the Ardennes, right at the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge.

Thanks for the warm welcome, and all the information. BTW, the REME Museum of Bershire, England, wrote back to me and they were convinced it was a British Cavalryman's sword as well, so don't feel back about making that assumption.

I will update as more information comes available.


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