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Old 13th September 2010, 05:35 AM   #22
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Celtan, its good to have you posting again, you have been missing for a while! Thanks for the kind words, and the great story on the misworded Kanji belt !! LOL!!!
On the bayonets, they really are an OK topic, even though sometimes they extend past our normal chronological boundaries, I think as I have noted they're overall vastly under discussed in collecting in many cases. As we have often seen in the ethnographic section, these blades were often recycled into many locally mounted weapons.

Ron, thank you also, and I agree this one was a lucky find. At least you have a better idea on it when you do let it go, and I think we have all learned a bit more on this rather seldom discussed topic. I'm with you on the rare examples, which are inclined to have a much more intriguing history than the commonly seen examples which have become almost generic in many cases with thier volume in availability.

All best regards,
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