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Old 12th September 2010, 08:15 PM   #19
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Hi Ron,
No problem, I know how frustrating it is when posts or threads go unanswered or seemingly unnoticed, and honestly try to answer as many of these as I can, despite not claiming any knowledge in a certain area.
I did recognize however, that you clearly have an apparantly sound base of knowledge on bayonets, a topic I havent really engaged much in since several decades ago. It remains a largely untapped area of arms study, and often regarded as too 'pedestrian' I have assumed because of its 'other ranks' and common associations. I recall great talks with RDC Evans though from years ago, and I truly admired his passion for these weapons.
He used to write a column monthly called "Cold Steel" that was a goldmine of information.

I appreciate your kind recognition of my admittedly superficial notes which are from simply brushing up with references at hand. It has seemed to me that German bayonets would be one of the broadest fields, the Solingen industrial machine not withstanding, and the Prussian military prevalence.

It is interesting what you mention about Asian bayonets, and it does not seem these were as prevalent as in the west. We have had some most interesting discussions about some extreme rarities such as the form from India which I believe was on a matchlock musket and perhaps flintlock later..also the rare 'kukri' bayonet of the Gurkhas. As I mentioned, it seems like most bayonets of 'sword' type after the socket bayonet relied on a bar slide like these, and apparantly the innovation arose about end of the 18th century. I recall the Baker's as they have always commanded high prices, and I believe there was another 'elcho' if memory serves.

I'm glad you brought this topic up, as clearly bayonets as noted are not a widely known and understood topic, at least in any particular depth. It is always great when we get a good topic of this nature and we can all learn a bit, as always, together

Celtan, great posts and thank you for sharing those examples!!! My reference to the etymology of hirschfanger was found in passing, and not meant to contradict yours..clearly more research is needed !!

Thanks very much,
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