Hi Jim
Sorry if my last post seemed dismissive. Sometimes, the printed word can be misleading.
My occasionally laconic style might seem disrespectful at times. It did indeed seem as if no-one had any insight into this item. However, your post has certainly given me a lot of insight into its likely origins.
I'm inclined to agree with you on the age/period of the item, and was always of that opinion.
I guess I recognised it as rare because I have a certain acquiantance with bayonets, and this is the first of its type I have ever seen. In fact, at first I even questioned whether it was European. I thought it might be Asian!
Thanks for pointing that the Baker bayonet is in the same family of weapons. I had not thought of that, but you are no doubt correct. I am also more familiar with British military history than German.
You are right, bayonets are a real specialty. And German bayonets are a specialised field within a specialised field.
I think it is perhaps the popularity of German bayonet collecting, as much as anything else, that has prompted such impressive prices for hirschfanger bayonets on eBay.
I confess my knowledge is somewhat (actually, extremely) patchy in this area too.