"Hello, my name is Emanuel and I am a flyssa addict"
And the rehab group answers: "Hi Emanuel"
Geez...LOL, so we are in a circle introducing ourselves and stating our addiction/affection huh?
Love the title, Emanuel
Thanks for sharing the interesting Flyssa

Careful...it might prove to be contagious addiction!
Amazed at the long blades and just a one hand grip. Wicked thrusting point, and belly at towards the end to help accelerate the mass with slashing.
And Battara, who you calling a Dha Freak!?!?!?

...I confess as well....if I don't get my daily dha fix...ie at least look at my bladed beauties, I get a little "Edgy"


...that was a bad one
Good thing too with my new job is I get home before the wife...so I can put any new acquisitions in "protective custody"