Those are great swords, Celtan.
Both of them. But I particularly like the Swedish sword bayonet.
The guard suggests they're not the sort of swords I associate with Hirschfangers. I wouldn't usually associate a stirrup hilt with a hunting sword. More like the type of symmetrical guard you see in the Danish bayonet I posted. Mine has that but has evolved a little to appear more like a standard bayonet.
However, that Swedish sword may be related in some way. I've not seen that before. Of those, there is also an English 'cutlass bayonet', but I think it's a later model. Not as early, and certainly as attractive, as that Swedish sword.
It's possible these Hirschfanger bayonets hail more from the scandinavian countries than from Germany. I will confess I haven't ever actually seen one positively identified as German. But I have seen Danish models. And now this Swedish cutlass-bayonet.