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Old 9th September 2010, 11:27 AM   #14
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 41

Hi Maurice, I just read your message and here I am! In fact I'm just wondering whether I'm of any help to you in translations

Originally Posted by tunggulametung
This is the ultimate way to embaress myself trough contributing to translation of script and language I don't read/speak.
You did great Tunggul! In fact you'd done most of the bushwhacking which make things easier for me to look into the translation path of the text!

Originally Posted by Dom
.. anyway, after review,
the writing uses the Arabic alphabet,
but the language used is not the Arab ..
No and yes Dom! It's not really Arabic alphabet but it's what we called as Jawi Alphabet which is a customized version of Arabic alphabet. Certain Arabic alphabets which are considered as not user friendly to our Malay tongue are either customized or dropped! And yes, that's not an Arabic language! It's a Malay language.

Originally Posted by tunggulametung
.. I try to approach by Bahasa Indonesia instead of Bahasa Aceh (I don't speak Aceh). I believe you can't get a firm meaning without some help from Aceh speaker.

Totally amaturish translation (might be totally error) but it turns out like the script was written by the sheath maker/smith/seller with record of pricing, names, etc ..
I don't speak Aceh either. IMVHO the text is written in Malay language with some non Malay words (i.e. maybe Aceh words) in them.

And again you're correct Tunggul! The text is just telling about the owner of the scabbard, the pricing and the address of the scabbard maker .. or some sort like that

Inilah ampunya sarung sikinsing Husin [rb] pos kumang aupu liau
Harga sarung sikin lima suku harga sikin dua puluh dua
Maklun aupu liau sikin ada besi yang mat husin hn kupk
inilah alamat sarung builangan utang sing ngar kuala kn nbkn

1st line tells that the owner (i.e. ampunya) of the scabbard is Husin (i.e. with some info about Husin which I couldn't understand)
2nd line tells that the price (i.e. harga) of the scabbard is 5 1/4 and the price of the sikin is 22
3rd line tells more about Husin and steel which I couldn't fully understand
4th line tells about address (i.e. alamat) of Kuala [something]

I/A: I'll analyze it further and I'll let you all know especially Maurice of any success in getting the full text to be translated into English

Hope this helps a little

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