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Old 4th September 2010, 01:46 AM   #3
Ron Anderson
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Sydney Australia
Posts: 228

Hi Tim

Thanks for your response. There are obviously clubs in those illustrations that vaguely fit the profile of my club. But I still have no real idea of what it is.

I am going to stick my neck out and assert it must be early to mid 19th century. It has a fair bit of wear and a pretty interesting patina.

I have a small Solomon Islands 'Malaita' club with the some sort of fibre binding. So you may be correct on that attribution.

This 'pole club' is pretty workmanlike. It certainly has a great balance. It is light as a feather.

I have no idea what sort of wood it might be. It's certainly not palm. It has some blackening which has been coming off over time.

But I'll add a close-up or two a little later.
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