Hi Fearn
I found this information online regarding the manufacture of a taap knife. A taap knife is very much like this knife except slabs of stone are used instead of teeth:
A taap is a Nyungar knife.
It was made by very clever Nyungar people using materials gathered from the balga (grass tree resin) When grass trees are burnt or are open to strong light, resin from the trunk responds to the heat and runs down the side of the tree to the bottom. When it is ground up, it becomes very volatile.
Kangaroo (yonga) faeces (goona) were collected and dried. As the yonga only eats grass, what comes out is refined grass that lasts a long time.
The third ingredient is charcoal.
If 50% of balga resin is ground up and mixed with 25% yonga goona and 25% charcoal, a chemical reaction takes place when the mixture is placed over heat or fire (kaarla). The balga resin melts, the charcoal ignites and the goona binds the resin.
A small boorn (stick) is heated and then rolled in the mixture which sticks to the boorn. When enough mixture is gathered on the boorn a small quartz stone chip is used as the blade.
The taap is used for cutting up meat, skinning kangaroos, possums (koomal) and wallabies (kwirr).