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Old 30th August 2010, 11:54 AM   #1
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Default Listen to your Katars!

Just a bit of fun with your Death gods teeth!
Anyone ever noticed that if you hold the blade or scabbard and 'ting' the handle bars (I find that ends under thumb and forefinger nails and pluck works well) they ring like a tuning fork!
A lot of surface corrosion seems to cut down the susstain a lot, but the ones I have both have good meditative 'om' notes to them
Not sure if this will be 'across the board' but narrower hilt (with mine) equal higher note.
LOL, you can tell how non-musical I am!
Anyway, It was comparing this recently acquired old warrior with a cleaner example that made me notice

Last edited by Atlantia; 30th August 2010 at 12:09 PM.
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