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Old 29th August 2010, 02:07 PM   #15
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Hi Rick,
when you mentioned 'cast' ....I originally assumed you meant 'crucible steel. Weapons and tools were made from cast and were often marked 'warranted cast steel' as a sign of the quality of metal.

Now, I understand ...what you meant by cast was mould (mold ) 'formed' .

All I can say is the surface is covered in 'micro pitting' caused by corrosion and not bubbles form during casting. The 'fullering' seems forged although under high magnification I can see some fine scratches, in line with the fullers...possibly grinding/file marks to 'tidy them up'.

The socket is only hollow for 2/3 of its length the remaining third nearest the head is solid. Which again suggests to me that this design is to sustain 'hard impact'. ie the shaft end fitted into the socket would be flat (spreading the impact force) usually it would be pointed. The best analogy would be stiletto heels on a wooden floor compared to 'flat' shoes.....not that I've worn 'stiletto's recently

The koftgari also strongly suggests that this was not a 'throw away' item, so throwing spear is very unlikely......surely it has to be a lance head ???

I must admit I am 'itching' to find out what is hidden below the black stabilised rust layer (is there a name for this ) but do not want to remove 'the age' from the piece. What if I carefully clean one of the facets of the blade ??? leaving the other 3 'natural' . If there is a lot of the koftgari surviving below this layer, it would give more information ....but would it de-value the piece ???

All opinions gratefully received

Regards David

Last edited by katana; 29th August 2010 at 08:52 PM. Reason: spelling
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