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Old 19th August 2010, 12:14 PM   #1
EAAF Staff
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Upstate New York, USA
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Thumbs up Moro Budiak with a bit of baling wire

If I recall correctly, I bought this spear head at a local flea market several years ago. The old tag reads:
Tagalog spear and Moro spear head -
Philippine Islands.
(Presented to Col. Cavanaugh at Fort McKinley, P.I. in 1907.)
Is believed to be very old.
The overall length (tip of blade to tip of tang) is 16.5 inches; there is no suggestion of a twist core.

I had always thought the twisted 'baling' wire to which the tag is tied was a later addition, but learned that I was wrong with that assumption the Brimfield flea market this past Spring...
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