Originally Posted by Norman McCormick
Hi Ian,
Thanks for posting your sabre, a very nice example. As regards restoration it's one of those things 'do you or don't you'? In this case I think the damage I would cause to the peened tang and the 'ear' rivet in disassembly is not worth the aesthetics of a replacement guard. I will call it 'old' damage as it certainly hasn't been done in recent times and be satisfied with that. If a scabbard happens to come along at some time I don't see a problem with a marriage, mismatches re swords and scabbards seem the norm rather than the exception anyway. If you happen to know of a lonely scabbard you know where to get me. 
My Regards.
Ah, the big question - to restore or not! Personally I would but others will have different views. Here's a sword of the 1st Bombay cavalry I restored earlier
Top : Before
Bottom : After