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Old 11th August 2010, 01:35 PM   #2
Fernando K
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 670

Hello, Matchlock

Pardon invoking the translator, but I can not write English.
On the first key (lock), could not be a key (lock) wheel (wheeellock), transformed by X key reasons wick (matchlock)?
If this was a key (lock) wheel (wheeellock) and we remove some elements and introduce other individual, would like what we have now.
I have not had my hands on the piece, I can not see all the changes that would, and I can only think of the photos you've uploaded to the forum, but I note two things:
Lever (lever) of the cover-pan (pan-cover) has the same shape of the cam (lever) of a key (lock) wheel (wheellock), with a party that expands to close to the axis of the wheel for your crank (spindle) the move.
His spring (spring), that key (lock) wheel (wheellock) acted on its lower lobe, from the bottom up, to keep the cover-bowl (cover-bread) always closed (except when the wheel starts to spin ) has been moved to act top-down over the top, so that tends to keep the cup-cover (cover-bread) always open, unless you close it manually and lock the sear (sear).
One question: I do not see the spring (spring) would keep the sear (sear) against the inside of the plate (plate), keeping the sear (sear) against the inside of the plate (plate) maintaining cover-dolly ( Cover-pan) closed, and its enclosure at the front peeking out of the stage (plate) and serving to stop the movement of the coil.
Affectionately from Argentina. Fernando Keilty
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