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Old 8th August 2010, 11:45 PM   #7
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

I cannot quantify the coverage of each individual area covered by the entire content of this bibliography. I've so far spent about 8 hours on it, and I'm about a one fifth of the way through it, but then I am reading every word and checking Indonesian and Javanese spellings, I'm not just skimming it. Prior to commencing the reading of it I spent two days checking what I have against what Tim has listed. There are sources listed from a number of languages, and quite a lot of old books are listed, together with extensive quotes. My guess is that anything that has been published in English or a Western European language that deals with Peninsular Weaponry will be in it, and a lot of publications that are in Malay or Indonesian will be in it. I thought that my own knowledge of Indonesian and Javanese publications was pretty good, but Tim has managed to include publications of which I was not aware.

Alam Shah, I am certain that no bibliography dealing with this subject matter comes even close to what Tim Rogers has managed to put together.
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