Thread: Appreciation
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Old 16th July 2010, 11:58 PM   #26
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Rasdan, I doubt that I have ever read a better logical analysis of the motivation to collect.

If this is the result of your "quick thought " process, your "deep thought" process frightens me.

However, this is not really what interests me at the moment. I'm trying to go beyond the rational and logical to the emotional foundation.

Human beings can learn to be rational and logical, but the human nature is an emotional one that logic and rationality are grafted onto.

What I'm trying to do is identify that emotional level, the level which underlies the logical level.

What goes on in our minds to cause something else to happen?

I started this thread with reference to the work of Prof. Bloom, where he puts forward evidence to support the idea that we cannot appreciate art in a vacuum. The art is appreciated against a sub conscious background that has been constructed from our previous experience.

If this applies to art, and Prof. Bloom seems to have demonstrated that it does, then it probably applies to most other things within the human experience.

The appreciation of what we are concerned with here, that is, keris, is very close to, indeed overlaps, the appreciation of art.

What I am looking for are the emotional strands that underlie that appreciation.
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