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Old 26th June 2010, 08:23 AM   #14
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

I do not see any indication of a seperate ganga on the kris in question.
Tom, I do guess that all 3 kris have a seperate gangya. The pic seems to indicate a possibly true separation line with corrosion restricted to the blade at the base of the chevron to the right. The position of the line finishing at the scrollwork seems a little odd though.

Carlos needs to verify this by closely examining the pieces, preferably with a good magnifying glass: usually in pieces with seperate gangya the metal exhibits forging marks/impurities/corrosion that stop at the separation line while in pieces with no seperate gangya you'll usually find some that extend over any "faked" separation line (can be tough when modern steels were utilized without decent forging - stock removal would indicate a late low-quality piece which this kris obviously isn't is).

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