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Old 15th June 2010, 12:24 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by freebooter
Your collections and history behind the items is fantastic Maurice, when something has a history attached, it does take on a whole new dimension and seeing your collection grow in the last 6 months with super quality and historically important items is facinating, keep them coming mate.
As I have found and others have noted these weapons of any type are under appreciated and under valued. Their form and function is beautiful.

I am glad you like it Gav!
I also like these provenanced pieces, because you have got another feeling with the piece as otherwise.
As you can see the Bluml shield is pretty damaged, but with the provenance it is very wanted in my collection. Even more as the other one that is depicted in the book of Zonneveld which is in much better condition.

But my experiences with some other fellowcollectors are, that they are only going for the high end pieces rather than the damaged provenanced pieces.....
So that is the luck I have with grabbing them before others do who only look at its appearence....
Just like your Kelling Hall pieces, with the provenance of this sir Deterding, who was one of the most important people of the last century...
My opinion is that provenance is important, and nice to dig out as much as possible. The more you find, the more affection with the provenanced pieces.....

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