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Old 5th June 2010, 09:12 PM   #12
Tim Simmons
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I have not found the book I wanted to show pictures from. It was about the conflict in the early 1960s, one picture of what was described as Iban, a fellow {tracker} with all the tribal earrings, tattoos and what have you sitting amongst a couple of Brit soldiers.

I have found these pictures of Borneo 1945 from " World Within a Borneo story, Tom Harrison, London; The Cresset Press; 1959" and one picture from the 1960s. The one with the helicopter is from " The Undeclared War, Harold james & Denis Sheil-Small.

The first book is all about ww2 action in Borneo by Brit, Aus and Dutch fighters with many locals. The pictures show more than I can type. One thing for sure the idea that late mandau are all just about parties and dancing is collector talk, blowing wind.

The writing here is just about incidents under the British officers noses. How many head were taken off the beaten track? the same in the 1960s no doubt?
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