hi battara, thanks for starting this thread! we sure would all like to clarify these many terms pertaining to filipino swords.
just some minor clarifications please, if i may add

-- nacho does not work for the iloilo [panay island, visayas] museum, but i understand he is one of its benefactors. and in post no. 2, those pieces are privately owned (but yes, they are truly museum-quality ones).
for everybody's info, 'bukid' in the philippines means farm/field or rural. one living in a bukid is called a 'bukidnon'. thus, bukidnon is a generic term.
'bukidnon' more popularly refers to a mindanao province (as maurice mentioned), originally exclusively inhabited by lumad peoples.
but as also mentioned, the highlanders of panay island in the visayas also call themselves bukidnon, that is, panay bukidnon.