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Old 29th May 2010, 12:06 AM   #3
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Sydney
Posts: 58

In looking at what the shafra knives are, and what they were used for, it's interesting to look at the other bedouin knives - the Al Khusa ( about 12 inches long) and the Al Huardhi ( mini Khusa). Page 80 of Elgoods " Arms and Armour of Arabia".
These knives were worn by the bedouin in the eastern part of the arabian peninsula and were just tucked into their belt or shoulder bandolier. It is stated the Khusa was used for defense ( read human throat cutting) and for cutting the throat of gazelle, sheep, camels etc.
The Huardhi was used for cutting the throat of small game birds. No vegetarians in the desert?


PS forgive the poor quality Huardhi in the picture as some of small spacer rings of bone in the handle have broken and dropped out. However the two knives came togther as a set.
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