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Old 28th May 2010, 10:42 PM   #11
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Begining in about 1986 I worked in cooperation with Prof. Piaskowski in the examination of archaic Javanese blades. He produced several papers on these examinations but he was only able to get two published, the problem was that his major paper was extremely large and detailed, and as such, too big for the journals that publish on these type of subjects to handle..

I do have copies of all the papers he produced, but I am uncertain where mention of these amorphous flecks occurs. I am not going to look for it because it would take too long for me to find it, and if it is not in a published paper, I would not provide any quotes from it.

I have not heard from Prof Piaskowski for 12 months or more, and if he is still with us, he is of very advanced age, so I am not going to pursue him for permission to quote his work.

To my knowledge, none of his work is available online.
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