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Old 27th May 2010, 09:46 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Tim Simmons
I have just found out he was one of those me first people, running around a fire naked as a toff is fun but if poor people do it, it's all rather vulgar.
I am not quite sure what you mean by this Tim. Gardner is known as the father of modern Wicca, a resurgence of earth based religion which he cobbled together from a combination of old folk lore and what was, for him, a fairly contemporary practice of ritual lodge magick (Golden Dawn). Yes, he, as many neo-pagans since, advocated nudity during ritual (what is know as skyclad), but i don't understand, nor, i believe, want to understand you comment in relationship to poor people in this context. I would suggest that we try to keep our conversation here focussed on the keris and not other parts of Gardner's life which you may consider colorful, but has absolutely no bearing on this conversation.

Last edited by David; 27th May 2010 at 11:41 PM.
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