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Old 19th May 2010, 03:29 PM   #7
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 59
Default Thank you!! :)

I think this is enough information to get me started. Just went to local grocery store and bought some lemon. They're out of steel wools.

I will use steel wool and WD-40 on the one with the pesi rust, and if that doesn't work I would proceed with using the lemon juice to whiten the pesi. Mr. Maisey is right, neither Ace Hardware nor Hypermart has any Cold Blue. But I guess some decent oil coating and telfon tape covering will protect the bare iron inside the ukiran for a pretty long period of time.

As for the one with some rust at the kembang kacang, I will use a needle, some WD-40, and TONS of patience ...

Kai: Sorry no additional picture for the moment (still working on some technical problems), but meanwhile you can look at this URL:
Could you please explain what you meant by bold pamor? Don't you think it's the pamor is somewhat similar to the one in this URL? By the way, the sor soran part of my keris is pretty wide, quite similar to the one depicted in this URL.
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