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Old 18th May 2010, 07:03 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by RDGAC
... And by the way, what a piece! I'm surprised to see a wheel-lock still clinging to the archaic approach of propelling darts, however; could anyone enlighten me as to why that approach should still have been taken so late in the day, so to speak?
Looking at a text in post # 5, a certain explanation is given for such atypical situation, although one wonders if such is the real reason.
OTOH, we can read that Carlos V was the personification of gunsmith's dreams and, his love for fine arms was so great that he supported the development of a great school of gunsmiths in Spain.
Can we say that imagination and creativity may be applied in specimens not necessarily provided with the latest projectile invention. They become even more rare and exotic, worthfull of Emperors with exquisite tastes.

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