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Old 17th May 2010, 04:36 AM   #4
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Found some of my notes, and apparantly this motif has to do with astronomical events, which seems to correspond with other markings that are focused on a comet event, as yet more details are unclear. The use of these crescents in motif is described by Graham Reed in his article on Darfur kaskaras.
The discoid pommel on this would have been leather covered, and the 20th century period is confirmed by blades with this type motif seen by the author in travels to Darfur sometime before 1987. These blades are typically heirlooms and refurbished from generation to generation, so just how far back they go of course may vary, but certainly into the earliest years of the 20th century onward.

The inscribed panel with crescents is a representation of the wooden board carrying such religious inscriptions that is termed a 'lohr'. Charles S. has posted one of these which also has a snake (assala=python) inscribed along with the lohr (November, 2008). I believe the inscription on that blade included the date 1796 (AH?) .

I have previously mentioned that in Darfur, the tribal chiefs and influential figures there still have kaskaras such as these that are proudly worn on certain occasions. This was told to me by a young Fur tribesman I spoke with a number of years ago.

Best regards,
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