Looks chaps I have issues about this sailor/pub landlord origin.
This is why, okay there are metal parts on the club. The metal bits look like innocent pieces of scrap and by themselves they are. Then one looks at the hole for the lanyard. Would a pub landlord or a sailor sit and pick a hole through the club? Most people of European cultural origin would use a drill or at least a hot metal rod as often seen in Africa. Also the pub landlord must of had a fetish for pretty industrial stampings, especially as they are an everyday occurrence in their society which also seems decidedly unmacho for a European inspired weapon.
I might suggest that the hole has been picked out or roughly drilled with a piece of flint or shell because any metal that could be construed as a weapon was made unavailable. This might help to explain the value of the innocent bits that are on it.
Last edited by Tim Simmons; 16th May 2010 at 09:55 PM.
Reason: spelling