Wow ! thought there was only one reply and then found many

(its been a little quiet on the Forum lately )....thank you very much for all your replies

I have had another look at the shaft, the last third (opposite to the 'head' end ) is slightly tapered .....again suggesting that this was originally designed to be 'short'. Had the shaft been longer and the taper continued down its length it would have been incredibly thin and 'weedy' at its 'butt' end.
Hi Ashoka,
I would like to see the pictures of the Mandinka/Manding versions of the spear, thank you.
Hi Martin,
look forward to the pictures, thanks.
Hi Tim,
I suspect nearly all of us have had regrets swopping/selling items ....I know I have

....and Battara has ... and.....
Thanks Lew for your prompt reply and ISPN for the 'background' reference
Kind Regards David