Hello Ariel!
Yes they are very pretty knifes. I like your estimate on it's age more than mine, looks like I bought the right coin set dated 1994(close enough to 1998!)

I have two more comming that have the longer sheath I will post them when I finally get them. Is there a way to test if it is chrome plated or is stainless steel. The one reason I am leaning toward stainless steel is that I matched it up against a stainless steel axe head I have that is mirror polsihed like the dagger and the color and mirror liker qualities match.
P.S.- For great information on pichiks and Uzbek culture in general the website "
http://intangiblenet.freenet.uz/en/uzb/uzb3211.htm " this is one of the best websites I have seen on this stuff!
Judging from this site my pichok seems to be a soili or komalak pichok due to the trench on the one side of the blade.