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Old 26th April 2010, 04:55 PM   #21
Join Date: Dec 2004
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I agree with you there. Likewise, the fact that the original example doesn't have the langets that the other mountineer swords have seems to indicate a very similar, but not exact type. Would be nice to someday see a marked or positively identified model, though.

The one I reference in Gilkerson's, volume II looks exactly like Jim's sword even with the langets. Boarder's Away 2 says that this pine weapons locker wasn't marked to prove naval usage, but everything else about it, from its construction to its compactness, says maritime. This locker's weapons are not marked per gov't usage, but as you point out, they were more than likely privateer/private purchase. The thing that's interesting about this locker with it's matching sword to Jim's is that even if one were to rationalize that it was made for the mountaineer troops (matching sword pattern) is that the rifles and other articles in the same cache date to the 1820-35 period, long before the m1896, so thus we have a mystery...
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