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Old 21st April 2010, 03:20 AM   #2
Jim McDougall
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Excellent post Emanuel!!! and thank you for the detailed cites for reference.
As you and I both know, we have long tried to establish the earliest known example of these distinct swords of the Kabyles, and this has remained one of the mysteries of ethnographic edged weapons.

It is interesting that this 1898 catalog by the Conde de Valencia de San Juan was the basis for Albert F. Calvert's 1907 "Spanish Arms & Armour". In the introduction he expresses gratitude to Don Lacoste.....I wonder of there might be a connection to Camille Lacost-Dujardin?

I hope our friends in Spain might help with the flyssa noted (G170). As I have mentioned in earlier discussions, the earliest provenanced example I have found was in the museum of the French Foreign Legion in France, and it was taken on campaign against Kabyles in 1857. In form and general motif it is identical to the well known form we see in collections.

All best regards,
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