Thread: Dapur Carita?
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Old 15th April 2010, 02:51 PM   #9
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

I believe carita keprabon has two lambe gajah, and sabuk inten has one lambe gajah.

Sabuk inten need not carry kruwingan, but carita keprabon should carry kruwingan.

The 11 luk blade shown has kembang kacang, one jalen, one lambe gajah, greneng, and front & back sogokan. I am not able to see if it has kruwingan and I am only assuming it has tikel alis.

Carita keprabon should have gusen , but this is according to Surakarta pakem, and in other tangguh the gusen may be absent, and the jenggot is always optional.

Where a keris is following the Surakarta pakem, and it carries kruwingan, it naturally follows that it must have gusen, but if the kruwingan are not present, then it cannot have gusen.

Thus, if we set forth the ricikan that define a keris, we should also state the pakem that we are following. I have used two pakem here, one is the pakem presented in Haryono Haryoguritno's book, the other is the Surakarta Pakem.

Haryoguritno gives carita keprabon as:- kembang kacang 1, jalen 1, lambe gajah 2, pecetan, tikel alis, sogokan depan & belakang, sraweyan, greneng, kruwingan 2

The Surakarta Pakem gives carita keprabon as:- sekar kacang, lambe gajah 2, jalen, sogokan, tikel alis, sraweyan, greneng, ri pandan, gula milir

Haryonoguritno gives sabuk inten as:- kembang kacang 1, jalen 1, lambe gajah 1,pecetan, tikel alis, sogokan depan & belakang, sraweyan , greneng.

The Surakarta Pakem gives sabuk inten as:- sekar kacang, jalen, lambe gajah, sogokan, tikel alis, sraweyan, greneng

I've abbreviated the above by ommitting the obvious.

It can be fun to play the Name Game, but with keris there is some variation in those names according to who wrote the rules of the game. What this means is that if we wish to maintain our sanity it is best not to become too pedantic about what ricikan are found in what dhapur, because as soon as we think we know it all, somebody will come along and demonstrate that we don't know quite as much as we think we might.

Here is a diagram that gives names of ricikan according to a system that is accepted in Surakarta.
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