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Old 11th April 2010, 08:03 PM   #12
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Posts: 114

Wow! I really appreciate the great response. I am glad I could contribute a topic that people are interested in. One thing I was musing about was the question of who used these swords, and what was their station in society. Do we know if they were found throughout China or only regionally. Also, why would one use, choose, or be issued this type of sword over a liuyedao and yanmaodao etc. To narrow the time-line down a little I was thinking particularly about the last few centuries, which I believe includes many of the examples collectors and enthusiasts like ourselves have in their possession today. Maybe the answers to some of these questions might enrich our perspective on the original question. Honestly, I do not have any solid answers at this point so I look forward to the information others can offer.

Last edited by Neil; 12th April 2010 at 05:12 AM.
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