Originally Posted by Nathaniel
Ribbon's/ a scarf tied to the pommel I think are decorative as used in Wushu...as in the picture Niel posted....you could use the ribbon/cord perhaps to lash the weapon to your hand so it knocked out of your hand you could easily retrieve it. I remember one old drawing in Alex Huang's book Iron & Steel: Swords of China there is a demon depicted with a sword with ring pommel that is chained to his wrist (Page 80) Ring Pommels are seen in Tang Dynasty swords.
On a side note...I remember in some TV show they said the ribbons/ strings near the head of the spear head you see on wushu spears modernly was used to distract the eye of the enemy...and to prevent blood from coming down the shaft and making the pole slippery...and that spinning the shaft would spin the blood off that had accumulated on the strings at the spear head...I have no idea if there is any truth to this...maybe just a good story 
Its an interesting study.
As far as I know (and I admit this isn't a speciality of mine) ring pommels go right back to Chinese antiquity. There are early 'Dao' (the glorified long single edged bronze dagger variety) with very pronounced ring pommels, and they are dating to several centuries BCE+ (Warring states and Qin)
I'm sure someone will know a more exact date for their origin, but its certainly early.
There are also the classic single edged long bronze dao with ring pommels which go back to 3rd-C BCE (Which according to wiki is Han, lol).
Thats a good story about the spinning spear! Not heard that before