Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
22nd November 2024, 05:42 AM
Replies: 26
Views: 17,466
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
22nd November 2024, 05:37 AM
Replies: 26
Views: 17,466
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
21st November 2024, 11:40 PM
Replies: 26
Views: 17,466
Hi RobT yes sorry I forgot to follow that up....
Hi RobT yes sorry I forgot to follow that up. It’s difficult to tell, as the plaited hemp wrapping on the hilt comes down almost to the bottom of the blade, but it looks like there is a separate...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
21st November 2024, 10:17 PM
Replies: 26
Views: 17,466
Thanks David. Indeed if it can be demonstrated...
Thanks David. Indeed if it can be demonstrated that a keris of this particular style/type could not possibly have existed in the late 18th century or early 19th when Nelson was still alive then the...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
21st November 2024, 07:32 PM
Replies: 26
Views: 17,466
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
19th November 2024, 11:17 PM
Replies: 26
Views: 17,466
Forum: Keris Warung Kopi
19th November 2024, 01:48 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 15,080
Thank you Alan, for this insight.
It strikes...
Thank you Alan, for this insight.
It strikes me that an apparent fault in the process of blade manufacture is interpreted as a hallmark of quality and esteem by present-day Bugis-Makasar people,...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
19th November 2024, 01:39 AM
Replies: 26
Views: 17,466
Moro keris/kalis ID
Hi All,
I'm hoping someone can provide a little information on this keris/kalis; likely source of origin in the region, and approximate age? Both are of interest but especially the latter, as it...
Forum: Keris Warung Kopi
15th November 2024, 10:47 PM
Replies: 5
Views: 15,080
A feature of interest
Hello All,
I was in South Sulawesi recently with my Bugis-Makasar friends and acquaintances and talking a lot about keris (and badik) culture and lore and the technical features of kerises in...
Forum: Keris Warung Kopi
7th November 2024, 08:48 AM
Replies: 14
Views: 28,699
This is fascinating insight, thank you Gustav;...
This is fascinating insight, thank you Gustav; perhaps this would explain why another of my kerises - the subject of my first post - seems to have a tangguh tuban-pajajaran (according to Mr. Maisey)...
Forum: Keris Warung Kopi
6th November 2024, 12:05 AM
Replies: 14
Views: 28,699
Thank you Gustav; this is a very interesting...
Thank you Gustav; this is a very interesting observation. So if an older blade has been reworked/altered to introduce a new (or complementary) pamor pattern one of the telltale indicators would be a...
Forum: Keris Warung Kopi
6th November 2024, 12:02 AM
Replies: 14
Views: 28,699
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
5th November 2024, 11:26 AM
Replies: 14
Views: 22,038
I thought I’d chime in here, specifically...
I thought I’d chime in here, specifically regarding the above observation that the Bugis had frequent interactions with the Moro. Not an expert, but I note this illustration of a Moro kalis/keris...
Forum: Keris Warung Kopi
28th October 2024, 12:32 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 11,604
Forum: Keris Warung Kopi
25th October 2024, 05:30 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 11,604
Forum: Keris Warung Kopi
25th October 2024, 01:45 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 11,604
Thank you Alan, this is very insightful.
Thank you Alan, this is very insightful.
For what it is worth, this blade does seem rather similar in form - at least to my eye - to a Bugis keris illustrated in Matthes' 1874 Ethnographic Atlas...
Forum: Keris Warung Kopi
25th October 2024, 12:00 AM
Replies: 14
Views: 28,699
Forum: Keris Warung Kopi
23rd October 2024, 04:38 AM
Replies: 14
Views: 28,699
Advice on another keris
Hello again,
I was gifted this keris when in Makassar. The person who gave it to me did not know much about it, other than that it was from Java or Bali and that the figural motif in the handle is...
Forum: Keris Warung Kopi
23rd October 2024, 04:16 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 11,604
A Bugis-Makasar keris
Hi All,
I'm a new member of this (fascinating) forum; thank you for having me.
Several weeks ago I picked up this keris (sapukala) in Makassar, but it came with no biographical information and...