Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
5th January 2024, 10:58 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 9,882
The large nasal guards is ment as a general...
The large nasal guards is ment as a general feature seen on older helmets, of course a later copy can also have a large or wide nasal guard, but it is just for reference.
I will check my books to...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
5th January 2024, 10:52 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 14,499
I believe the 'pedang' is Sumatran,...
I believe the 'pedang' is Sumatran, traditionally washed and traditionally forged blade. I don't think there was a specific type of pamor constructed, but just made in the traditional way....
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
4th January 2024, 01:45 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 9,882
Nice examples,
I believe them to be late...
Nice examples,
I believe them to be late 19th century, the large nasal guards are often seen on earlier helmets from the 16th and 17th century. The manner of decoration and mail aventail points me...
Forum: Swap Forum
14th October 2023, 07:21 PM
Replies: 0
Views: 2,576
Latest catalogue 'Fall 2023'
Dear members and friends,
Our latest catalogue, Fall 2023 is now listed.
A fine selection of cultures was included such as China, Korea, India, The Philippines and the Indonesian Archipelago....
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
5th July 2023, 03:42 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 4,529
Forum: Swap Forum
2nd July 2023, 04:04 PM
Replies: 0
Views: 1,946
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
27th June 2023, 08:26 AM
Replies: 10
Views: 6,870
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
26th June 2023, 03:41 PM
Replies: 10
Views: 6,870
Interesting piece!
I believe it is from Mid...
Interesting piece!
I believe it is from Mid or West-Sumatra, probably the Aceh area due to the decoration on the bolster and steep angle similar seen on rencong and other swords and daggers from...
Forum: Swap Forum
5th April 2023, 04:20 PM
Replies: 0
Views: 2,847
Spring 2023 Catalogue
Today the 'Spring 2023 catalogue' is listed on the website.
Have a look at the attached pdf catalogue or go to
Best wishes!
Forum: Swap Forum
21st February 2023, 07:59 PM
Replies: 0
Views: 2,357
Tunesian Berber Sword
Dear members,
Offering a rare and massive Berber sword with horn hilt and heavy blade.
Materials: Steel, Horn, Iron
Hilt: 17cm
Blade spine thickness: 6mm
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
23rd January 2023, 09:53 AM
Replies: 14
Views: 9,988
This is a Berber sword, most of these are...
This is a Berber sword, most of these are attributed to Tunesia. The hilt is made of horn, which sometimes looks like wood. Many local and European import blades were used. Often with a self-made...
Forum: Swap Forum
13th January 2023, 06:54 PM
Replies: 0
Views: 2,063
Discount announcement
Dear members,
A firm price reduction was placed today.
Feel free to have a look around and contact me anytime.
Forum: Swap Forum
21st October 2022, 12:06 PM
Replies: 0
Views: 2,494
Autumn Update
Dear members,
A series of new arrivals was added to the website, being part one of two!
Kindest regards!
Forum: European Armoury
1st May 2022, 03:08 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 6,923
I noticed this sword at auction. The thing that...
I noticed this sword at auction. The thing that kept me off was the modern bolt attached to the pommel which seems to be a clue of more recent manufacture (a copy) and so did the velvet inside the...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
1st May 2022, 02:57 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 6,997
Forum: European Armoury
2nd March 2022, 09:58 AM
Replies: 24
Views: 21,722
Here is a tobacco jar made in Delft, 18th...
Here is a tobacco jar made in Delft, 18th century, with decoration inspired from the colonies, note the 'Indian' , original inhabitant of the Americas, and the VOC monogram on the right of the jar....
Forum: European Armoury
1st March 2022, 07:57 PM
Replies: 24
Views: 21,722
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
28th February 2022, 02:44 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 3,990
Forum: Swap Forum
18th February 2022, 07:20 PM
Replies: 0
Views: 3,635
Dear members,
The major part of the inventory is now lowered in price, feel free to have a look around and never hesitate to get in touch!
Best regards!
Forum: Swap Forum
31st January 2022, 10:10 AM
Replies: 0
Views: 3,641
A Kemoera Blunderbuss
Dear members,
I listed a Kemoera Blunderbuss. For those who are interested, many items are posted before in an email campaign, those who are interested can easily subscribe.
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
26th January 2022, 02:56 PM
Replies: 15
Views: 12,782
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
23rd January 2022, 11:32 AM
Replies: 15
Views: 12,782
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
22nd January 2022, 07:56 PM
Replies: 15
Views: 12,782
Thank you for your comments gentlemen, I was...
Thank you for your comments gentlemen, I was leaning towards Gobang Bandung, but this piece is not really a textbook example.
I did a light etch on the blade to reveal the pamoresque pattern.
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons
22nd January 2022, 05:09 PM
Replies: 15
Views: 12,782
Luzon or Bandung?
Dear members, a while ago I acquired an unusual sword which was attributed to the Philippines, but it had me puzzled until today. The general outlines are often seen on the West Javanese 'Gobang...
Forum: Swap Forum
10th January 2022, 10:23 AM
Replies: 0
Views: 2,981
Newly listed: Ainu and India
Dear members,
A selection of newly listed items is added to the website.
Including a very rare Ainu 'Makiri' knife and a South Indian katar and a wootz blades Talwar.