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Search: Posts Made By: Drabant1701
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 1st January 2024, 11:30 AM
Replies: 4
Views: 10,432
Posted By Drabant1701
In my experience instant coffe only etches...

In my experience instant coffe only etches laminated blades. Yours is most likely wootz. As mentioned earlier lemon, vinager, ferric chloride and sulphuric acid are ways to etch wootz blades. I find...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 28th September 2023, 03:51 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 3,805
Posted By Drabant1701
Measurements of the shield is 53cm across and 8mm...

Measurements of the shield is 53cm across and 8mm thick.
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 28th September 2023, 12:59 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 3,805
Posted By Drabant1701
Thanks werecrow. I put the top word in a hindu...

Thanks werecrow. I put the top word in a hindu translator and indeed says Japan. Not what I expected, but it is allways fun to kknow.
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 27th September 2023, 07:48 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 3,805
Posted By Drabant1701
A indian shield with a note on it - Hindu anyone?

I got this indian shield, nothing really special about it. But it has this note on the back that I cant read. Is there anyone that can translate it for me.
Thanks for your time :)
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 19th February 2023, 07:06 PM
Replies: 12
Views: 16,154
Posted By Drabant1701
I have seen some, only found this two right now....

I have seen some, only found this two right now. One is a persian trade blade with a poulwar hilt the other has a good tulwar hilt.
The blade on your pala is top quality and surely made of good...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 2nd January 2023, 10:04 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 7,780
Posted By Drabant1701
I agree with previous posters. Its a good chance...

I agree with previous posters. Its a good chance they used an old lock and barrel and remade it in the 20th century. I like it its very decorative. I would not activly buy one but if some one gave it...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 21st December 2022, 05:47 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 3,418
Posted By Drabant1701
Unusual piece, cant say I have seen many of...

Unusual piece, cant say I have seen many of those. Very nice. Thanks for sharing :)
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 19th December 2022, 06:14 PM
Replies: 13
Views: 9,485
Posted By Drabant1701
What an fantastic dagger! Thw wootz is beautiful,...

What an fantastic dagger! Thw wootz is beautiful, the chiseling superb and the walrus ivory just right. Congratulations!
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 10th December 2022, 12:49 PM
Replies: 41
Views: 26,852
Posted By Drabant1701
A very wild guess. Someone put a fancy 14th...

A very wild guess. Someone put a fancy 14th century mamluk sword blade on their kaskara. But hard to tell since the pictures are not super detailed.
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 9th December 2022, 01:51 PM
Replies: 26
Views: 19,211
Posted By Drabant1701
I dont really see the roughness, the picture is...

I dont really see the roughness, the picture is an extreme closeup if you hold the sword and look at it the cartouche appers to be made of solid lines. The style with the cartouche being made of...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 8th December 2022, 08:43 PM
Replies: 26
Views: 19,211
Posted By Drabant1701
I will take some photos of this weekend.

I will take some photos of this weekend.
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 8th December 2022, 05:03 PM
Replies: 26
Views: 19,211
Posted By Drabant1701
There is a line all the way from the crossguard...

There is a line all the way from the crossguard down to the tip along the back of the sword, it is filled with a silver like metal.
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 8th December 2022, 12:54 PM
Replies: 26
Views: 19,211
Posted By Drabant1701
Many thanks all for your kind words. While...

Many thanks all for your kind words. While browsing sold auctions at bonhams i found this sword with leather on wood and with gold applied in a similar manner as the subject sword....
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 4th December 2022, 12:11 PM
Replies: 26
Views: 19,211
Posted By Drabant1701
An indian shamshir with a persian blade

I got this Indian shamshir not to long a ago. Its heavy (over 900grams) and 93cm long. I would guess it is ca 1800 and that the fittings are the original ones.

The blade appears to be persian and...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 26th November 2022, 08:53 PM
Replies: 98
Views: 129,680
Posted By Drabant1701
You have a beautiful collection. Thanks for...

You have a beautiful collection. Thanks for sharing!
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 25th November 2022, 03:23 PM
Replies: 234
Views: 204,845
Posted By Drabant1701
Now i am curios. Is there a picture of the...

Now i am curios. Is there a picture of the yatagan Anosov sent to Faraday?
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 19th November 2022, 01:14 PM
Replies: 36
Views: 21,732
Posted By Drabant1701
As mentioned earlier both are good old swords, as...

As mentioned earlier both are good old swords, as someone said most likely 19th century. I really like the smaller one, good untouched condition. I would call both Pala swords. I have one myself that...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 19th November 2022, 12:51 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 6,035
Posted By Drabant1701
Very nice piece I would love to hold something...

Very nice piece I would love to hold something like that. Clearly made for display, but to what purpose I do not know. Jens Nordlunde would surly know all about it but I have not seen him online for...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 9th November 2022, 08:20 PM
Replies: 30
Views: 25,919
Posted By Drabant1701
What a great collection! Are all of them yours? I...

What a great collection! Are all of them yours? I can see some great ones in that lot.
Is nr 12 an Ahir sword, maybe? Looking in Tirri´s book.
Nr 13 may have been longer ones and shortened becasue...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 9th November 2022, 08:10 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 6,890
Posted By Drabant1701
After GePi´s suggestion about the all metal...

After GePi´s suggestion about the all metal shamshir hilt I browsed my books for similar hilts and found an all metal hilt with a similar blade, it even looks to be hollow ground (I could be wrong)...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 9th November 2022, 07:35 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 6,890
Posted By Drabant1701
Im 99% sure its wootz it etched in 2 seconds,...

Im 99% sure its wootz it etched in 2 seconds, pattern welded itches slower in my experience. I dont think we can rule out that it was mounted with a european hilt, "oriental" blades was popular...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 9th November 2022, 02:43 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 6,890
Posted By Drabant1701
What is the correct hilt for this blade?

This blade came to me in a lot i bought together with some other arms. In the auction picture it was very dirty and had surface rust, so I did not think much of it. When I got it home I saw that it...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 6th November 2022, 06:08 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 5,876
Posted By Drabant1701
A very beautiful and rare dagger. I cant remember...

A very beautiful and rare dagger. I cant remember ever seeing a wootz blade etched with letters like that, pretty neat that you can see the wootz inside the letters.
Thank for sharing this!
Forum: Ethnographic Miscellania 5th November 2022, 05:30 PM
Replies: 0
Views: 2,845
Posted By Drabant1701
Large meat cleaver, India?

What are your thoughts on this meat cleaver. Grip is bone. Sorry for the fuzzy picture. Is it India? Im asuming this would be from the 19th century, but the heavy wear due to usage may lead to me...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 4th November 2022, 11:02 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 10,633
Posted By Drabant1701
About the inscription. I may be wrong, but its...

About the inscription. I may be wrong, but its possible the text is just gibberish.
I dont read arabic but the text in the circles dont look like it to me. If the maker was illiterate they may just...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 181

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