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Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 12th October 2013, 10:42 PM
Replies: 16
Views: 14,256
Posted By NovelsRus
Exclamation Cold shut

Hey, Rick, could that mean this thing was forge or pattern welded?
Not a true Damascus but a would be?

Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 12th October 2013, 10:36 PM
Replies: 16
Views: 14,256
Posted By NovelsRus
Thumbs up You know, that's pretty good advice, RSWORD....

You know, that's pretty good advice, RSWORD. Before I start hurling comments about others doing acid, perhaps I should learn more about aged wootz and various obscurations it can undergo.

I still...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 12th October 2013, 07:01 PM
Replies: 16
Views: 14,256
Posted By NovelsRus
Cool Damascus pattern and acid etching/

Hi, all,

Recently asked about a rather dodgy khanjar on ebay, re the actual blade steel (since I couldn't see anything like a Wootz or Damascus pattern). The blade appeared to have been burnished...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 1st September 2013, 04:16 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 4,341
Posted By NovelsRus
Thumbs up Koummaya Infection/Addiction

Welcome aboard, James.

Like you, I became instantly hooked on koummayas (or koummyas for the terminally lazy, like me) from the moment I saw photos of them here. Of course, they're often depicted...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 25th July 2013, 06:23 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 6,508
Posted By NovelsRus
Thanks, all, much appreciated

To everyone kind enough to reply,
Many, many thanks for taking the time to post your replies, insights, opinions and the eye that only much experience can develop. I had a feeling the price was...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 22nd July 2013, 03:26 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 12,115
Posted By NovelsRus
Thumbs up Thanks, Dave, laEspada, Jens!

Many thanks to you three for your timely and helpful replies. As Jens said, these things on actual engravings can morph over time and lighting conditions, so . . . it's kind of a toss-up. Without...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 22nd July 2013, 03:23 AM
Replies: 377
Views: 580,449
Posted By NovelsRus
Thanks, Ibrahim! I'll check out the site ASAP. ...

Thanks, Ibrahim! I'll check out the site ASAP.

All best wishes,

Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 22nd July 2013, 03:21 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 12,115
Posted By NovelsRus
Talking Thought as much

Hola, laEspada - Many thanks for your quick reply. Although I don't have the specifics or anything like your background in edged weapons at all, I kind of thought as much, given the generally "loose"...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 20th July 2013, 08:15 PM
Replies: 377
Views: 580,449
Posted By NovelsRus
How to Clean Ancient Bronze, Brass & Copper?

Salaams, Ibrahim,

Long time no talk to! How have you been keeping? How's the shop going? I know you're especially busy this time of year, so I'll try to be brief. Unfortunately, I am a novelist...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 20th July 2013, 02:52 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 12,115
Posted By NovelsRus
Talking Can Anyone Here Translate Viking Runes?

Hi, all -

Was researching Viking "Scramasax," or "Seax," daggers when I stumbled across the three runes (attached). They have nothing to do with the knife, merely (allegedly) Viking as well. Can...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 27th April 2013, 02:14 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 6,508
Posted By NovelsRus
Help I.D. Damascus/Khoftgari Khanjar?

Hi, Board,

Can anyone please help me I.D. this vintage, handmade Damascus Khanjar? It allegedly has silver koftgari work on sheath and handle, but the insignia on the Damascus blade looks off to...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 28th February 2013, 10:34 AM
Replies: 15
Views: 9,779
Posted By NovelsRus
Talibon it is. Thanks, Guys

I appreciate your help on this. I do believe it is a talibon, and probably out of my budget. But one can try. :)
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 20th February 2013, 07:16 PM
Replies: 25
Views: 21,751
Posted By NovelsRus
Agree with David: looks Indian

Hi, Templar,
Yes, I agree with David on this one, as the scrollwork and lettering are very similar to that found on several of my own, Indian daggers and sabers. Most of mine have turned out to be...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 20th February 2013, 07:05 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 6,700
Posted By NovelsRus
No more pics, sadly

Hi, all,
Sorry it's taken so long to respond! Sheeesh.
Fact is, I don't own the kampilan in question. It belongs to an online friend who only sent me the one photo. She had no clue what it was, and...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 1st September 2012, 03:21 PM
Replies: 15
Views: 9,779
Posted By NovelsRus
A Similar Mystery Blade From Indonesia (I think)

Hi, Room,
In a feeble attempt to stay on topic, I present another mystery sword/dagger from (I believe) Indonesia. I've seen others like it on here, but despite my feverish attempts, have been...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 12th August 2012, 06:55 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 5,528
Posted By NovelsRus
I'm such a tourist...

Many thanks, one and all, for checking them out for me. I'm sure you're all correct, just as I'd feared. Well, live and learn, I guess.
One reason may be that I stepped outside my usual area of...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 9th August 2012, 10:44 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 5,528
Posted By NovelsRus
Red face Indian Dagger -- Any Clues What Kind?

Hi, all,

Just got this Indian dagger along with a nice, older kukri. I've researched, hunted and looked, but I can't find a name or classification for this knife.
Pretty sure it's a tourist...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 15th July 2012, 09:55 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 17,669
Posted By NovelsRus
Gorgeous Koummyas, Archer!

And what a terrific provenance for the Bellon daggers. Actually, for ALL of them. This is what collecting is all about: the story behind the blade; the history; whose fist actually clenched these...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 15th July 2012, 09:34 PM
Replies: 15
Views: 19,899
Posted By NovelsRus
Major Congratulations, Steve!

GREAT finds, Archer. I gnash my teeth in envy!
But they couldn't have found a better home. :)
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 10th July 2012, 09:50 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 17,669
Posted By NovelsRus
Archer - New Koummyas in yet?

Hey, Steve, I recall you'd mentioned something about getting some more koummyas in soon. Have they arrived yet? If so, could you please send photos? I love looking at these daggers even if I don't...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 10th July 2012, 09:09 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 9,350
Posted By NovelsRus
Koolest Koummya Online

Hi, Archer,

I gotta say, that is definitely the koolest koummya I've seen in a while. That blade is incredible, and the stamps are a real treat for a serious collector like yourself. Congrats on...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 10th July 2012, 09:06 PM
Replies: 377
Views: 580,449
Posted By NovelsRus
Placement of Omani Royal Khanjar

Salaams, Ibrahiim,

You advised, "I think it looks great exactly where it is."

I couldn't agree more! Although I'd still like to see it up high on my wall, I think the potential hazards outweigh...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 23rd June 2012, 03:00 AM
Replies: 377
Views: 580,449
Posted By NovelsRus
Thumbs up Toothbrush To the Rescue!

Salaams, Ibrahiim,

What an incredible coincidence -- you advised use of toothbrush and paste, which is precisely what I stumbled upon myself, just yesterday. Great minds thinking alike, etc. :D ...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 19th June 2012, 07:30 PM
Replies: 377
Views: 580,449
Posted By NovelsRus
Unhappy How to Re-seat Omani Khanjar Blade in Hilt?

Salaams, Ibrahiim & Room,
I recently purchased a beautiful Omani Khanjar, only to have the blade promptly fall out the moment I unsheathed it. Apparently, the resin or lakk has become brittle over...
Forum: Ethnographic Weapons 17th June 2012, 06:32 PM
Replies: 377
Views: 580,449
Posted By NovelsRus
Omani Khanjar/Jambiya

[QUOTE=Ibrahiim al Balooshi]Salaams all~ Note to Library.

Both the Omani Khanjar and the Jambias in southern Arabia have a somewhat peculiar turned scabbard far greater than the blade size and in...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 41

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