Ethnographic Arms & Armour

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Flavio 21st April 2007 10:16 PM

Iteresting Articles 2
1 Attachment(s)
Hi all, I have found other interesting articles. Here is the list:

- Chinesische Prunkwaffen 1896
- Der Kris der Javaner 1910
- Der Kris von Sud-Celebes 1908
- Ethnographie von Borneo 1892
- Mitteilungen Uber Die Nias-Sammlung Des Ethnographischen Reichsnuseuns
Zu Leiden 1908
- Uber Einige Dolche und Schwerter. Mit Arabischen inschriften aus Nord
Afrika 1912

Here is a colour plate for example.

Two of them (Ethnographie von Borneo 1892 and Der Kris von Sud-Celebes 1908) are ready to be sent. I will sent the articles to all the forumists that I have already sent the others (see thread: Interesting articles). If there is anyone that doesn't want these new articles just let me know and I will not send to you. In other hands if there are new forumists that want these articles just let me know ;)

Ah, PLEASE, be sure that your mailing box will have enough space, thank you :)

Joe 22nd April 2007 04:40 AM

Sign me up:

Much appreciated, Flavio.

ingelred 22nd April 2007 11:04 AM


I am also interested in these articles.
Please send them to

MayYou send me the other articles also?
Many thanks in advance.

Greetings, Helge

Naga Sasra 22nd April 2007 12:07 PM

Hi Flavio,

I missed the boat on the first thread, if you don't mind please add me to your list.

I would especially like the articles that are keris/kris related, if it is possible to separate them :)
Thank you in advance.

PUFF 22nd April 2007 01:13 PM

Dear Flavio,
Could you please add me to your list...

eashoa at

Many many thanks in advance ;)

Battara 22nd April 2007 07:05 PM

Again, Maraming Salamat, Muchos Gracias, Vielen Dank, Domo Arigato, Komap-samida! :D

Flavio 22nd April 2007 08:44 PM

First two articles sent:

- Der Kris von Sud-Celebes 1908
- Ethnographie von Borneo 1892

Enjoy :)

George 23rd April 2007 01:21 AM

Hi Flavio,

I am interested in the articles. Email address


Richard Furrer 23rd April 2007 01:47 AM

me as well if yu don't mind
Can you send them to me at my wife's email please?

ingelred 23rd April 2007 07:43 PM

Hello Flavio,

I got the articles, thank You very much!

Best regards, Helge

Naga Sasra 24th April 2007 02:43 AM

Hi Flavio,

I received the articles, thank you so much. I look forward to the remaining ones in this batch, and hope that you will retransmit the ones in the first thread.


Flavio 25th April 2007 09:48 PM

Hi all, Just for check:
I have sent you all, these articles:

- Chinesische Prunkwaffen 1896
- Der Kris von Sud-Celebes 1908
- Ethnographie von Borneo 1892
- Mitteilungen Uber Die Nias-Sammlung Des Ethnographischen Reichsnuseuns
Zu Leiden 1908
- Uber Einige Dolche und Schwerter. Mit Arabischen inschriften aus Nord
Afrika 1912

The only that is still to send is

- Der Kris der Javaner 1910

But it's quite long, so will be sent soon :p
For the other forumists (that still haven't the others articles) I'm working for you ;)

RhysMichael 25th April 2007 10:04 PM

great stuff
thanks again for sharing these

carlos 25th April 2007 10:06 PM


Antoine M. 26th April 2007 03:18 PM

If It is not too late or too much trouble, I'd like like to received them too...

Thank you very much!

Antoine Marçal

galvano 26th April 2007 07:45 PM

and for my please
thank you very much

Emanuel 27th April 2007 06:00 PM

Hi Flavio,

Many thanks for the articles! Since they are quite long, I wanted to suggest you send them to me and I convert them to a smaller pdf file and send them back. But I found out about this software: it's free and you can convert the images into a pdf for easier handling and viewing.

All the best,

galvano 27th April 2007 06:32 PM

thanks Flavio

Seerp Visser 26th April 2014 02:13 PM

Your tread was a long time ago.
Is it still possible to become the article - Der Kris von Sud-Celebes 1908?

I am studying the forging of kerises since 2011 (specially those as described by Groneman about 1900) and gathered already a lot of information. Is there any information you are interested in and i may have?

Der Kris der Javaner as printed in 1910, i have but in a nearly unreadable condition. I am looking for a better copy. So if you can help me...
The follow-up, part II, printed in 1913, i have the original in my possession and can forward a good scanned copy to anyone who is interested.

Thank you in advance
Seerp Visser

paolo 28th April 2014 12:01 PM

Also for me, thank You

KraVseR 28th April 2014 12:16 PM

And for me, please:

CharlesS 28th April 2014 12:47 PM

Hi Flavio,

Thanks for this opportunity.

Please sign me up at:

Grazie mille!

Robert 28th April 2014 04:46 PM

Hello Flavio, I would also like to be added to the list if possible. Thank you.


Seerp Visser 5th May 2014 09:05 PM

I did not mention my email address, so i hope you are still giving the opportunity to receive the articles as mentioned above (140426).
My email address is

Seerp Visser

Sajen 6th May 2014 06:57 AM

Hi Flavio,

and when you don't mind I also want to be added to your list:

Thank you very much in advance,

russel 6th May 2014 09:45 PM

Me too please. :)

kai 7th May 2014 08:24 AM

As pointed out by Seerp (Welcome to a new member ploughing through the forum archives! ;) ), this is a really old thread. Sorrily, Flavio has taken kind of a sabbatical and is visiting this forum only from time to time.

I have taken note of the current interested parties and will rummage through my archives over the weekend.

BTW, unless you're fond of spam, don't broadcast your email adresses on the forum - better take it to PM (feel free to contact me for the time being)! Maybe a mod would be kind enough to do a general clean-up?


Ibrahiim al Balooshi 7th May 2014 11:39 AM

Salaams ...Excellent details ...Would it not be easier simply to send the articles to Forum Library...for research purposes...??

Ibrahiim al Balooshi.

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