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galvano 16th April 2007 06:03 PM

6 Attachment(s)
Two old blades.
Your opinion.
Thank you.

ariel 16th April 2007 09:29 PM

The blades look like Palestinian Shibriyas. How big are they?
Very peculiar...

galvano 16th April 2007 10:00 PM

hello Ariel
Overall length 23 cm .
jordan ?

spiral 16th April 2007 10:27 PM

Jordan,Israel,Palestine,Syria type area.


katana 16th April 2007 10:30 PM

I have seen blades very similar to these , I'm afraid there is a possibillity that these are from an agricultural cutting machine or similar (combine harvester ?) ...they also had the 3 rivet holes

spiral 16th April 2007 10:34 PM

Any pix or links katana?


katana 16th April 2007 10:56 PM

Hi Spiral,
I saw some similar to these at an auction....I thought they were unusual blades...because of the three 'fixing holes'. Luckily a 'farmer type' informed me they were 'cutters' from a farm machine.
I saw 3 'ethnic spearheads' on eBay, recently, with the same rivet hole pattern...but not with curved blades (long tapering triangle)....but these had remnants of green paint :eek:

I could be totally wrong about these....but the wear marks around the rivet holes suggests great force elongated the holes and ripped the rivets out....

Regards David

ariel 17th April 2007 12:13 AM

Come to think of it, you might be right: there still is a big lug nut in one of the holes. Where is the handle it was attached to? :D :D

tom hyle 23rd April 2007 08:30 PM

I'd really like to see these industrial/powered blades that are being discussed. THese look like shabrias; an awful lot like shabrias. The holes appear, BTW, to have been hand-punched, not drilled, and this is responsible for the ridgelike formation around them. Note the marks at the blade base of the one which still contains a rivet (? does not look like a bolt to me?), and its hand forged shoulders. The other seems to have a groove running out the end of its handle; trick of the light? Corrosion?
The cross-section seems to be flattened diamond with rather fine edges, judging from the damage?

katana 23rd April 2007 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by katana
.....a possibillity that these are from an agricultural cutting machine or similar (combine harvester ?) ...they also had the 3 rivet holes


Originally Posted by katana

I could be totally wrong about these....but the wear marks around the rivet holes suggests great force elongated the holes and ripped the rivets out....

Regards David


Originally Posted by tom hyle
Note the marks at the blade base of the one which still contains a rivet (? does not look like a bolt to me?),


EDITED Sorry Tom I have just realised you were refering to a bolt mentioned in another post on this subject. :o The missing 'tang' appears to have been 'sheared' off .....a lot of force would be required to have done this...

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