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Bontee 3rd November 2022 01:02 AM

Katana,for your interest
6 Attachment(s)
Following on from my first post about my newly acquired Sudanese Armdagger I thought some of you might be interested in this katana which I was gifted.
It has been dated to 1576 ,it is a muromachi period blade,forged by one of a number of smiths named Tomotsugu.
The mons designates that it belonged to a family named Miyashi.
The blade has been polished many times during its life and is not in the best condition and was remounted during the second world war.
It was originally a battle blade ,as opposed to being a ceremonial blade.
The point is,I like it ,I use it for solo iaido practice during my aikido training and it has been fitted with training hardware to preserve the original fittings.
It will now have some company from my Armdagger ,they can compare notes when no-one is around 😄
All the best

mariusgmioc 3rd November 2022 10:32 PM

I am no specialist in nihonto but the nakago definitely does not look like 16th century. but more like Showa era.

For more information, I suggest you post it on nihonto forum.

Bontee 3rd November 2022 11:51 PM

Hello Mariusgmioc,Thanks for the reply,actually all the information I have was supplied by a number of very well respected members on the nihonto message board,one of whom is one of my aikido sensei.They put in alot of work on this one.
All the best

pbleed 4th November 2022 12:53 AM

A worthy sword!
This certainly is NOT a WWII era blade. It is signed by a smith named
TOMOTSUGU, a named used by a number of pre-1600 era smiths. It is certainly worth bringing over to the Nippon-to forum. My guess is Bungo, but...

Bontee 4th November 2022 11:27 AM

Hello gents,All the information I quoted came from the nihonto messsge board,I was given a great deal of help from some highly respected members of that forum including one of my old aikido sensei’s who specializes in weapons .
I believe that the info given to me is as accurate as it is possible to be concerning this rather beaten up old battle blade.
I Appreciate your posts.
I only put it up for interest,not as a fact finding exercise.
All the best

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