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francantolin 23rd February 2021 04:42 PM

ceremonial mace/spear or something ?
4 Attachment(s)

what do you think of this item ?

I hesitate between a ceremonial mace,
with asian origin or celtic ( maybe a triskell on the iron ''spear'' head...)...

or just a curtain rod :D

M ELEY 24th February 2021 03:41 PM

Looks Japanese to me. I've seen that design before (the triangle and also the point resembling something I've seen on Samurai helmet?) Pot metal? Late Meiji period, but what is it? A symbolic staff?

francantolin 24th February 2021 05:23 PM

Hello and thank you M Eley,

I totally agree,
the iron ''spear'' head made me think of a japanese yari shape

but here it's too large and made of iron
( not that bad, seems forged, not cast )

Maybe a japanese helmet reproduction piece as you say fixed on an european stock ?

Maybe a ceremonial family crest representation / symbolic meeting piece
maybe added with a flag...
( the wooden hilt looks all european to me... )

M ELEY 24th February 2021 08:28 PM

Sorry! Didn't mean pot metal but cast iron, hence the later date. If it's forged, though, it must have some official use. I like it...whatever it is! :D

kronckew 24th February 2021 10:05 PM

reminds me strongly of a wrought iron fence finial, some of which look b=very weapony. Saw some that even looked like halberd heads.

francantolin 11th March 2021 07:58 PM


I have a clue looking for japanese items:
maybe a buddhist monk staff ( but without the circles... ? ;( )
or the lance-staff of a statue of Bishamonten ( mid size )
with his yari-trident / jumonji spear

francantolin 11th March 2021 07:59 PM

3 Attachment(s)

francantolin 11th March 2021 08:02 PM

5 Attachment(s)
I disassemble it,
and clean a little the iron parts, ( 16 cm long )
seems well made and not cast

M ELEY 12th March 2021 03:41 AM

Wow! What a difference that picture makes! You are right, much better quality and you might be right that it could be from a temple statue or some such. Hard to date, because much of what was coming out in the late Meiji period was amazing stuff, even though for export. I used to have two Japanese temple lanterns made into lamps in the '30's (when Art Deco meant 'destroy all old things! :mad: ) that had similar decorations. Too bad I no longer have the items or pics...

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