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Sajen 4th April 2018 05:47 PM

unusual Peurise Teumaga for comment
2 Attachment(s)
This somewhat unusual peurise teumaga will come soon to my collection. It seems original black lacquered in front and back, something I never have seen before. Does anyone have seen something similar before? Three stars are damaged and it is 39 cm in diameter.
Looking forward to your comments, thank you in advance!

Oliver Pinchot 4th April 2018 06:14 PM

It's a typical Indian lacquered hide-work, apparently embellished in Aceh.

Sajen 4th April 2018 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by Oliver Pinchot
It's a typical Indian lacquered hide-work, apparently embellished in Aceh.

Hello Oliver,
thank you for comment. I don't think that the corpus is from hide, here a part of the description from the auction house: "Aceh, black lacquered brass circular shield, mounted with seven star shaped ornament."
Also when auction house descriptions sometimes inexact I think that they would be able to distinguish between hide and metal!? :shrug:


Sajen 18th April 2018 07:25 PM

Oliver was partly correct, the peurise is indeed made from leather, so it is a rare peurise nilo!
Have hoped that Willem, Maurice or Albert chime in but sadly not until now! ;) :rolleyes: :p
I can't find any pictures from other peurise nilo and I think that this shields are very rare. Is someone able to provide pictures for comparison?

Albert 18th April 2018 08:44 PM

Peurise nilo
1 Attachment(s)
Congrats with your very rare acquisition!
I found (only) one example of a peurise nilo.

It is in the collection of the Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen Coll. nr. RV-1599-646.
Materials: hide of a water buffalo, brass, copper
Diameter: 41 cm

Sajen 18th April 2018 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Albert
Congrats with your very rare acquisition!
I found (only) one example of a peurise nilo.

It is in the collection of the Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen Coll. nr. RV-1599-646.
Materials: hide of a water buffalo, brass, copper
Diameter: 41 cm

Hello Albert,
thank you very much! It's a very heavy item and at the first glance I thought that it is indeed a painted peurise teumaga but by closer inspection you can see that it's a hide shield.

Best regards,

asomotif 19th April 2018 12:35 AM

Hello Detlef,

I missed out on that one. I heard it was a complete give away for such a rare shield.
Looks good and genuine to me.
The first one I ever see outside the example Albert posted.
Congratulations !

If you ever want to part with it.....

Best regards,

Sajen 19th April 2018 09:50 AM

Hello Willem,
Thank you. :) Yes, it was a bargain and I was surprised that I got it for the starting price. Others maybe don't bid because 3 of the stars are damaged.
When I ever want to part with it I will contact you first. ;)
Best regards,

Robert 24th April 2018 09:00 PM

Wow, what a beautiful (and exceedingly rare) shield you have now been able to add to your ever growing collection. I am starting to wonder just how much time you have to dedicate to online searching to find all of these treasures you have been finding lately? I have when searching different auction houses on more than a couple different occasions seen undamaged old fittings being offered separately that looked very much (if not exactly) like the damaged ones on this shield. Perhaps sometime in the future you will be lucky enough to find undamaged ones to replace these with. My congratulations to you on yet another great score.


P.S. Put me next in line (after Willem of course) in case you get tired of looking at this. ;) :D

Sajen 27th April 2018 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Robert
I am starting to wonder just how much time you have to dedicate to online searching to find all of these treasures you have been finding lately?

Hello Robert,

thank you for your kind words! :) If you believe or not, most of my bargains I found by accident, and my searching time is very limited. :(

Will remember you when I want to part with it and Willem don't want it. But I think it will need a more as long time. ;)


Ren Ren 4th November 2024 09:31 PM

Thank you so much for sharing the photo of this magnificent shield! They are a real treat to see!

Sajen 5th November 2024 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Ren Ren (Post 294098)
Thank you so much for sharing the photo of this magnificent shield! They are a real treat to see!

My enjoy! And thank you! :)


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